April 18, 2011

Weekend Recap

Friday night My parents joined us for Venison Sliders and we rode out the Tornado in the closet. Luckily no damage was sustained. Taylor had fun! She collected an entire cup of marble sized hail, which we caught her eating (YUCK), and she got to play games in the closet with MamaZan and Papaw!
Saturday we started our day with Apples and Bananas for breakfast. Not sure how we came up with that but it worked. Taylor ate a good bit of fruit and did it willingly! Around 10:30 my dad showed up to take a look at the soil clay in our front yard. We are in the process of putting in new plants but have found clay as we dig up the old bushes. No wonder they all died! My Dad took Taylor with him when he left which gave the 3 of us a chance to finish getting ready. We left around noon headed to my mom's house for Lunch and a 70th Birthday celebration! My Uncle Matt turned 70 this month and so we had a small lunch and pie celebration for him.

For dinner my parents headed back to our house for a Steak and Potato dinner for My Dad's Birthday. Some how I got too involved in cooking and forgot to take pictures! Try not to judge me!

Sunday morning I managed to get these shots while Mac was eating and waiting to go to church.

After our long Sunday nap that I was so grateful for, we headed out to the "House Park" for some play time...

or in Mac's case...another nap!

I even tested out Morris' assembly of the House Park. He was quite nervous the whole time but I felt very secure! He did a good job!

And Mac is still sleeping...

I love this picture....

The tower was a little shaky but it held!

The Slide was significantly faster than I was expecting...incase you couldn't tell!

I tried to help Taylor run up the slide...

It didn't work!

But it was fun!

After playing for a long time outside, we decided to play some inside on the floor with Mac.

Taylor and Morris were throwing a really soft tiny football at each other and it got Mac so tickled he was shaking! I wanted to get it on camera but wasn't fast enough! Maybe next time!

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