April 12, 2011

A Day Out With Thomas

It hasn't been long that Taylor has shown a true interest in Thomas, but it is perfect timing!
The Heart of Dixie Railway had two weekends filled with A Day Out With Thomas! As soon as we heard about it we knew this was an event we couldn't miss!  So at the beginning of March I ordered our tickets on line and a few weeks later they showed up in the mail. We decided not to tell Taylor about the plan for this past Saturday. We took off early and told her we had a surprise for her!

We got there around 9:45 and parked forever away. We were able to get a ride on the golf cart from the parking lot to the entrance. As soon as we walked up Thomas was pulling in from the first ride! First, Taylor went nuts over hearing the Train horn, then when she realized the train was Train Thomas she made her ever so famous surprised look! It was great!

Our ride wasn't until 11:15 so we had lots of time to walk around. We started at the petting zoo.

I really liked this goat who had his head sticking out of the cage and could care less if you pet him or not.

This one made me laugh! Out of no where he decided he needed to be King of the Bucket!

Mac was enjoying the animals too!

This Cock-a-doodle-doo was so cool!

We ran into some friends....

After a quick chat we were off again to play.

Of course we HAD to get a Tattoo!

Taylor picked Rosie, the purple train. Doesn't she look proud!

On to Putt Putt...this was Taylor's first time. She did surprisingly well!

Then we had a quick photo stop...

Off to the train... It was time to find our train car and wait in line!


I am so glad I picked the Silver Maple to ride on! It was Air Conditioned!!!

Taylor finally put on her Thomas hat long enough for a picture....or two!

Mac felt left out!

After our ride, Taylor wanted to play golf again! So this time Daddy went with her.
Despite instruction, she has a very unconventional, but effective putt.

Morris did manage to teach her the appropriate golfers waiting stance.

Before Thomas could get away, we ran over and took a very quick, impromptu photo.

Ignore the 2 kids who are in the proper photo-op station. We didn't have time to wait in line.

Taylor got tired of walking so Super-Dad carried them both back to the car. He is such a great Dad!

A Day Out with Thomas was a blast and I highly recommend it!
I asked Taylor later that day what she had done all day, she said "Mommy, I had so much fun at the party!" ---that is what she called the train trip. So Cute!

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