April 4, 2011

Mac is 7 Months old!

On April 3rd.
This Month was very exciting! We started Mac on Baby food on March 5th. We started with sweet potatoes, then Bananas, Avocados, Green Beans, Butternut Squash, Apples, Pears, Peas and Carrots.

He loves sweet potatoes and bananas. He did pretty good with Avocados but preferred them to have a little banana or SP mixed in. He REALLY does not like green beans and peas!! I have to mix them with something sweet in order for him to eat them! He gets that from his daddy! We are looking forward to trying some new foods over the next few months! (For the record...feeding him while in his bumpo seat, is not easy! He gets destracted and has too much freedom to move around!)

Due to some major nursing complications I had to cut back on my pumping. I cut back to nursing in the mornings and pumping before bed. This seriously cut down on the amount of milk I was able to produce. I had a good supply in the freezer but it ran out pretty quickly. Even though it is hard for me (I feel guilty) to start him on formula, I am proud of myself for giving him 27.5 weeks of exclusive BM! My original goal was 3 months. I was still nursing him every morning so that he would get the antibodies and benefits of BM for at least one feeding, until suddenly and abruptly the Milk was gone. On 3/22 I tried to nurse Mac like normal and he got so frustrated that I quickly realized it was because nothing was coming out. I honestly cried! I was not emotionally ready for that! I am however glad to put the pump up and I don’t want to look at that thing until the next baby. Switching to formula was not easy for Mac either. He really didn't like it and it took him a few days to get used to it! I forgot how much formula stinks! Fortunately, I have received a lot of coupons and Similac Checks to where I have been able to purchase about a 2 month supply for FREE! I still have some coupons and Checks left so I should be able to get another couple of weeks worth without the expense.

Just a couple of days ago Mac came down with a cold, that I now have too! It is so hard when your babies are sick b/c you just feel helpless. Fortunately Mac is a good sick baby! He is a little more fussy than usual but mainly because he is always tired. He slept a lot on Saturday but did not eat as much as I would have liked to see him eat. I have an appt for him in the next couple of days to check on his ears. (Most of you know I am super paranoid about ear infections....my dad is deaf in his right ear b/c of an ear infection).

Mac has not started crawling yet and doesn't even seem to care about it. He is, however, sitting up like a champ! We still keep a fluffy pillow behind him but he is falling over less frequently.
Here are a few short facts about Mac:

-Eats 3 baby food meals a day with 5 6.5oz bottles.
-Sleeps from about 7:30pm to 5:30am on his back (I am not sure if he can roll back to front yet)
-loves the johnny jump-up
-prefers to be held
-size 2 or 3 diapers(we are mainly using up the last of the 2s and going to 3s)
-size 6-9 and 9mo clothing
-your about 19lb (based on our scale at home)
-Loves to be outside
-4 bottom teeth and no sign of any others (our little bulldog)

Mac, your personality has really developed! You giggle all the time and make the cutest faces! You LOVE to play blocks and tease with daddy.  You mostly just flirt with mommy! I love when you are getting tired you will bury your face in my neck and squeeze me with both arms. You love to play/pull mommies hair and every now and then you get a good grab on Taylor's! You don't quite understand when I tell you NO but that will come soon enough! I think your favorite person is Taylor! You love to hear her sing, watch her dance and play with her. She can make you belly laugh faster than anyone. I just love to watch the 2 of you together! My favorite thing about you is that you smile at everyone! You have the sweetest domineer and you have captured so many hearts!

This is how Mac gives me a big kiss. He basically grabs a chunk of hair and eats my cheek! I love it!


  1. Allison- Switching to formula was hard for us too. B was almost 8 months old but it was so hard. I felt SO guilty too. She wouldn't switch up between formula and BM so I had to just give her formula and then she started taking it fine!
    And I can't believe he is already 7 months, Time flies!!

  2. "until the next child"..... LOVE IT!!! :)


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