April 11, 2011

And then there was One!

We officially only have one child in diapers/pull-ups!!! Taylor has been potty trained for a long time now but we had not taken the leap to night training. Quite frankly I was terrified of the thought!
*1:30 AM...tap on the shoulder..."Mommy! I'm Wet!" Followed by a more than half asleep Mama rolling out of bed, stumbling to her room, blinding myself with the over head light, and pulling off wet sheets/protector. The frantically looking for new sheets and protector for 10 minutes only to remember they are in the laundry room in one of the 5 baskets of unfolded clean laundry. Finally, the bed is made, sweet girl back on her pillow with a friend under each arm and new panties. Stumble back to bed, wind down and at 2:00AM drift back to sleep. 4AM...We do it again*
This was the story that ran through my head every time I contemplated night-training. I know! I probably was just being a little dramatic...I get that all the time!
Fortunately, about a month ago I was left with no choice. Taylor decided she was willing to do anything to wear big girl panties to bed. So for the past month we have been monitoring her Pull-ups to see if she was making it through the night. She has woken up every morning so excited! She would run to our bedroom and say (in a sly mischievous voice) "Mommy....I made it!" I loved hearing her say that! Her enthusiasm about it is infectious! We spent the last 28 days counting stars or flowers and awarding stickers when all 5 were still there! Out of 28 days she only missed 4 stickers! She is awesome!

Last night was the BIG night. Her first night in big girl panties!
This morning she came running to the bedroom and in that same sly voice she said "I Made it!
PROUD!!! Seriously PROUD! When she puts her mind to something, she can accomplish anything!

1 comment:

  1. HOW EXCITING for the both of you!! What a big girl! I dread potty training with every ounce of my being.. I have a very stubborn 2 year old who will torture me through the entire process :)


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