May 19, 2010

Check! and Check!

We have had a productive couple of days! On Saturday (5/16) we tackled Taylor's room and the nursery!

Before 9:30 AM on Saturday we were able to get My old bed out of the Nursery-to-be and into Taylor's room as her new Big Girl bed! She really likes it! So with this I can check off #43! I am still in search of the perfect bedding to match her room, so for now she is using my old duvet.
Bed all made up

Taylor pretending to be asleep (at about 9:30AM)

Also on Saturday we took Taylor to a Baron's Game...her first (#41)! She loved being there! She was terrified of the mascots if they got closer than 10 feet, but other than that she would yell "Look! Puppy!". Papaw taught her several different umpire signs, which was SUPER cute! She also loved clapping for the Boys on the Field. Fortunately, the Baron's were winning the whole game so there was a lot of Clapping. We ended up leaving after the 6th inning b/c Taylor wanted Ice Cream. Even though we offered to buy the little hat full of ice cream, she said no..."I go McDondalds for Ice Cream." I don't know how that association formed (Morris/Papaw), but it we went.
Here are just a few pictures:

1 comment:

  1. Taylor's room looks great, Allison!!! Looks like you're flying through your list! Love the pictures from the Baron's game...


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