May 4, 2011

Mac at 8 months!

Yesterday Mac turned 8 months! He is really getting to be a big boy and his personality is really coming through. 

He is ALL BOY! I have never seen a child his age be so rough with stuff! He will take a toy and just totally beat another toy to death.

He will also pick up anything and chunk it and then want it back. He will try his hardest to get over there but has just not figured out the crawling thing yet. He can still move around on his bottom quite a bit so usually he can get somewhere it just takes him a lot longer.

He has started trying to pull up! I was quite surprised the first time I saw him really try. He hasn't pull to a stand but he can pull his bottom 3 or 4 inches off the ground. I am sure trying to lift 20lbs off the ground is hard for him!
His current stats are:
19 lbs 14oz (75%)
27.75 inches long (50%)
18.75in head (Off the 105%)
7 teeth (3 on top and 4 on bottom)
He is a pretty healthy boy, only having one ear infection, but has had some problems with respiratory issues. We are not sure if it is Allergy related or Asthma (both run in the family), but we are doing everything we can to help him deal with it and hopefully grow out of it.

He currently wears 6-9 and 9 Month Clothing, size 3 diapers, and a 6-12 month shoes, even though I like for him to be barefoot. He is eating 3 food meals a day with 4 bottles for a total of 24oz of formula.

Mac's favorite person is Taylor! If she is in the room he has his eyes on her! He watches her every move and thinks that she is so funny!

He loves other kids too, especially older ones. Any interaction he can get with other people makes him happy. He just doesn't want to be left alone in a room.

I love the way Mac is looking at Madi in this picture. He had lost his weeble across the room and she was collecting them and giving them back to him! So CUTE!

He loves to be outside. If he gets fussy you can just walk out the door and he calms down. He loves to be in his swing and playing with Taylor on the House Park. He sits there and takes it all in or he falls to sleep.

Bath time is an adventure. He has learned how to splash and does it very well! He soaks us, the walls and the ceiling! He has always done very well in the bath, but now that he can sit up and play he really enjoys it more.

Mac seems to have the tendency to suck his thumb. We try to catch it and pull it out but then he thinks it is a game and puts it back so we will pull it out again. He likes his paci though too. He uses it mainly when he is tired and we are trying to cut back on using it when he is not sleepy.

Mac sleeps about 9 hours at night. We are still letting him fall asleep on us because most of the time we do his breathing treatment after he falls alseep and he has to be sitting up to do that. I don't remember when we started the sleep training with Taylor but we are just not to that point with Mac yet. Even though I think he would do really well with it.

He babbles a whole lot! I love to hear him talk! Taylor always asks me what he is saying and I have to tell her " I have no idea honey".

I LOVE this little boy! It doesn't matter what he is doing, all I have to do is look at him and he smiles!
 It gets me everytime!

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