March 23, 2011

New Car Seat Guidelines

Monday the AAP released a new set of Car Seat Guidelines and they are Huge changes!

The biggest is that the Rear-Facing recommendations have been changed. It was 1 year AND 20 pounds. Now AAP is recommending that you keep your child rear facing until 2 year old, or until they reach the maximum height and weight for the seat as noted in the manual.

Also the AAP has made new booster recommendations. Children should ride in a high back booster until at least 4 feet, 9 inches AND 8-12 years old! Best practice is to wait until they are 80 to 100 pounds.

Obviously, we want was is best for our children and the way we know what is best in these types of cases is to follow guidelines. However, I think it is a pretty drastic change. Yes, I will follow the rules, but it will be hard! Mac has almost out grown, in length, the infant carrier he is in now. I have not looked into our other car seat but from what i remember it goes up to 100lbs in the booster position. We never used it in the RF position with Taylor so I am not sure what the weight and length are for that. Fortunately, Taylor is 3 so we don't have to worry about the front or rear delima but I have a feeling she will be in a booster until she is 15 b/c she is quite petite.

What do you think about these new guidelines?


  1. Aren't these new guidelines crazy??? I mean, I feel like Asher's legs will be hanging over the back of the seat if he has to be rear facing until 2 years old. I was really looking forward to changing him around in a couple of month. Oh well!

  2. I am changing Westin around at a year. There is no way that child will be able to fit rear facing that long. ha! I think it's a little ridiculous!!


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