January 3, 2011

Mac is 4 Months old!

Mac is already 4 months old! I know I say that every month, but I am shocked how quickly the time is going by! It seems like just yesterday I was singing happy birthday to him for his one month! (Yes--I sing happy birthday to him every month! I did this with Taylor until she was one--it is just so much fun!)

Mac at 4 Months:

You wear a size 1-2 diaper, Size 3M and 3-6 clothing, size 6-12m shoes, and you are eating 6-7oz bottles 4 times a day and nursing first thing in the morning. I am still able to provide enough milk for you so we are holding off on formula. Also, I believe that the norm is to start you on cereal and first fruits at 4 months but we are holding off on that too. You do not seem remotely interested right now and I am not in a hurry. At the latest we will try it around 6 months.
You are sleeping less during the day but still sleeping through the night in your crib! I like having you awake more so I can play with you! 

You have been teething for a while now. The amount of drool you produce is AMAZING! It should be a record or something! We go through 5 or 6 bibs a day plus burp cloths!! Fortunately you handle the teething very well! You are not fussy and it doesn't seem to bother your sleep! I am still waiting on that first tooth to pop through.

You have been reaching and grabbing for toys that are hanging from your bouncy seat or in front of you in the exerscaucer since the middle of December. You like looking at books, especially ones with lots of bright colors and simple objects. You like your bumpo seat but not foo too long, as is the case with everything. You found your hands the beginning of December ...such a fun event! You love to lay on your back and kick your feet in the air.  You will lay there with your hands in your mouth, feet in the air and just chat! I love it when you do that! Your favorite place to be though is still on Mommy's Hip....and I kinda like you being there :)

Your personality is so precious!. You are totally obsessed with your sister! You will watch her and laugh at her! Even though you are more active now you are still very laid back. Sometimes you come across as Mr. Serious...until someone says something to you! Then you smile really big and blush! Your Daddy loves to tell you "Don't Smile" and every time you do! It is hilarious!

You have been such a joy! We constantly find ourselves saying "How about this little guy!" That is our way of saying... "Isn't he perfect", "Look at that Angel", "OH MY GOODNESS he is cute!" LOL

I will have weight and other measurements in a separate post. His 4 month check-up got post-poned b/c of the crazy winter weather here in Birmingham!

Here is month 4 in Pictures:

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