October 28, 2010

CB Fall Festival

CrossBridge held their 4th annual Fall Festival on 10/24/10. This is our 3rd year to go and we love it every year! Our first year Taylor was only 11 months old and she went as a white tiger and won the costume contest. Isn't she cute!

In 2009 she was 23 months old and she was a lady bug and they chose not to have a costume contest that year!

This year Taylor is almost 3 and brought with her Mac. She was a fairy and he was a cow! LOL!
They did the costume contest this year but didn't do it very well. The age ranges were too broad so it wasn't fair for the 1 and 2 year olds. They did birth through 2 years together. Seriously? Who is going to pick a 1 or 2 year old over an infant....maybe they will do it differently next year. Needless to say Morris won and even got a trophy! The other winner in his group was Ellie and she was a very cute 6 month old Lady Bug!

Last Year Taylor would not even consider riding the pony and look at what she did this year!!!
I was so proud of her! She loved riding Pony Heidi!

Mac sacked out after eating!
 Taylor with Mr. Ken...I am sure trying to get him to take her to do something! LOL! We love Mr. Ken!

My turn with the Tutu Tribe! Morris took his turn, I took Mine and then Julie took hers! It worked really well and it was a lot of fun getting to see them play together!

Going up the BIG slide....

and going down the BIG slide....

There they go again!

I got my workout that day chasing those two!

We all had a blast at the Fall Festival!

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